Thursday 13 April 2017

Special education from a civil rights perspective

The definition of a disability under Section 504 is not as specific as the definition used in IDEA. Section 504 applies to any child who "has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment. " (Smith, 2001, p. 338). In the case of students, learning is considered a "major life activity. " Therefore, if the child has a physical or mental impairment that limits his or her ability to learn, then the child may qualify for special education services under Section 504.

The American Legal System

This book deals with minors, and their rights and the law. Doland, Edward F. Jr. , Protect Your Legal Rights: Simon & Schuster Inc. , New York, 1983. This is a handbook for teenagers and adults. Fincher, E. B. , The American Legal System: Franklin Watts, New York, 1980. This work describes the legal system and related the experience of two teenagers in trouble with the law, one of whom is tried as a teenager. Fryar, Maridell, Thomas, David A. , and Goodnight, Lynn. Basic Debate, Illinois: National Textbook Co. , 1966.